Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

Dear Fitwisers, Have you ever wondered how many times a week you should do Pilates to get the best results? How consistent do you need to be in order to both feel and see the benefits of the work? Consistency is key and establishing a regular routine is so important...
Pilates for Runners

Pilates for Runners

Dear Fitwisers, Pilates is the the perfect form of cross training for all types of athletes. Runners find it particularly helpful for stretching and strengthening muscles that get both under and overused with regular running. Strengthening your core is also incredibly...
Pilates Exercise Prescription: Knee Injuries

Pilates Exercise Prescription: Knee Injuries

Dear FitWisers, Knee injuries and instability is something that many of us are all too familiar with. Dealing with them can be challenging and Pilates can be and incredible form of exercise to do to get you back on track post injury. Check out this study to read about...